Whatever you may think about Edward Snowden, he did open our eyes to the level of Government monitoring and tracking capabilities. If you're not comfortable with the government reading all your text messages, or you just want to improve your overall security, secure messaging is for you.
How to protect your PC from online threats
Supercookies! Wait, that's NOT a good thing?
When browsing the internet, many sites leave behind "cookies" on your computer. These can be used to remember your login the next time you visit the site, keep track of things you've looked at on various sites, and can be used to direct advertising to you. This is why when you search for something on the web, you see ads for that thing for the next week.
What is Two-Factor Authentication?
How do hackers steal passwords?
Prime Insight talks about passwords quite a bit. You may be curious about how passwords are stolen. This will be a more technical article than most. We wanted to include this to help demonstrate why we recommend the things we do for password security. If this is too technical for you, then feel free to ignore this article, but please follow our suggestions for password security, and just know the recommendation comes from an understanding of the types of attack.
What is a Password Manager? Do I need one?
Tips for password security
There have been a number of well publicized hacks in the last few years. The most recent being Heartbleed. There is nothing truly secure, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do everything you can to keep your information secure. I’ve got a few tips to share with you to enhance your security, and do it easily.